Project Description

Mountain Bike Trails


H2o Westleigh Mountain Bike Trails near Hornsby

Community engagement for informal public recreational space, known as “H2o”

Public awareness and engagement is required for these reasons:

  • MTB cycling at H2o is family-friendly
  • Hornsby Shire council has not made a final decision yet to formalise the trails;
    – a certain amount of doubt for the future of these trails exists as a consequence.
  • The need to protect and conserve the existing bushland that contains these trails;
    –if the trails are formalise then the bushland will be better protected.
  • I have used whatever communications tools I can to further the goal of raising public awareness.
  • Logo design

  • Social media content

  • Map design and art

  • Signage

  • Facebook page promotions

  • Facebook polls and reports

  • Sponsorship and PR